Saturday, February 1, 2014

Five Loaves and Two Fish

We heard of many times about the miracle of Jesus "Five Loaves and Two Fish" since our childhood, in Sunday School, Chruch messages, Sermons in meetings and in Friends discussions.

We always Focussed on the miracle of 5000 men people getting fed by Jesus. Of course its a great miracle. If we deeply think about it there are so many other miracles too in that event.

In rough figures it could be  10000 overall (5000 Men, 3000 women , 2000 children).

--> Its amazing 10000 people following Jesus when they simply heard that he was there in a lonely place.
--> they might have travelled to a deserted place where food is not available to buy too,
--> they stayed with him until evening
--> Jesus giving speech to 10000 peolpe(without mics, they all paying attention to him) etc etc

So what we can understand from this,
The gave what they have "Five Loaves and Two Fish" and Jesus blessed them and make it multiple.
the same way "we should give ourselves to Lord" in His Ministry. God will make multiples of Disciples, his children from us.
We might think that we are small, minute not extreme as compare to the extremes that we hear.
The Disciples also thought the same that they had only "Five Loaves and Two Fish" that could not feed 10000 people.
But nothing is small or big to God, but what is big to him is your love towards him, your submission to him, your relationship towards him.
Submitting ourselves completely to Him and Surrendering our lives for him.
Seek his kingdom first
God is not concerned about the size , shape, quantity... he needs Quality

Uppu nissaramaithe labam enti....
God said the widow offering was the great...
In Eliah prophet the women gave her (last meal)

Gods want the heart( take the parable of the owner- 1 thalanthu, 2 thalanthulu... the owner wants the heart of hard working not the useless)

Nothing is small, take the example of ava ginja... it becomes a big tree
David is small before Goliath.. the donkey is least before humans...but not for Christ, he rode on the donkey.

one is enough, one peter Gospel 5000 men in a day.
one person translated bible ... one person(okkadu) is enough.
God wants you, your heart for him, for his expansion of Kingdom.

You should live as a testimony to him, your life should be a testimony.
Don't rely on yourself submit to God's will,
Are you ready to submit yourself....

Matthew 6:33

New International Version (NIV)
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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